• Registration and companies maintenance;
  • Preparation of necessary documents (charter, constituent agreement, power of attorney, agreements, etc.);
  • Secretarial services for companies, virtual office services;
  • Registration of a legal address;
  • Giving nominee services on professional level – a shareholder, director, partner;
  • Notarial and apostilled assurance of the package of documents;
  • Accounting, preparation of financial statements, audit and submission of reports to the tax authority;
  • Getting of certificates of Good Standing, Incumbency, Tax residence, etc .;
  • Opening of bank account, merchant account, connecting payment systems;

Answers to these questions will help us to find the optimal solution for your application.

Identify, please, on the other hand the contact person for operational technical work, and … we can begin.

Services for creating a company:

1. You fill out the form.

Fill out
2. We prepare and send you our offer.
4. After confirmation – we send the list of documents and the delivery address.
5. At the same time we issue invoices for payment (advance payment).
6. Upon receipt of the documents – we will organize a translation into the local language and begin the process of opening a company.
7. After the creation of the company, we will organize the opening of a bank account (s) of the company.
8. Upon completion – we will send you express mail documents on the company, an agreement with the bank and Tokien (or we will transmit it personally, at your request).
9. You pay the rest of the cost of the service.
It is advisable to resolve a few more issues for yourself:
 – do you need a card tied to the company account;
– how many accounts you should have (based on the dynamics and volume of transactions, as well as currency);
– Do you need subsequent support (transaction tracking and prompt resolution of issues if they arise);
– is there a need to open a personal account;
– Do you plan to open accounts with your help for your partner or controlled legal entities in one bank (for example, to make transactions between them in one bank);
– whether the issue of bank provision is significant for you (% for receiving and sending funds, tariff for maintaining the account, etc.);
– whether the factor of the speed of passing payments is fundamental.

        Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


        63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


        +12 (0) 345 678 9

